The inaugural Asian-Jewish Business Network event was held on Monday 4 November at Lord’s Cricket Ground. Representatives of around 150 companies attended the event hosted by the Asian Jewish Business Network which encourages figures from a wide range of businesses to come together, network, share best practise and, ultimately, do and encourage more trade.
Guests heard from a variety of speakers including International Development Minister Alok Sharma, entrepreneurs Sir Lloyd Dorfman and Lord Bilimoria, and BBC journalist Faisal Islam.
“At a time of heightened tensions and challenges to various communities throughout the country, it is a chance for the business people of these two communities in particular to come together,” said London lawyer Pragnesh Modhwadia, Managing Partner of Axiom Stone Solicitors.
“They are, after all, two communities who, for so long, have been at the forefront of business life in the UK. Being here today represents a unifying, show of solidarity and a positive gesture in public much needed in this country at this time,” he added.
Axiom Stone, co-headline sponsors of the event, is one of the capital’s fastest-growing full-service law firms. A diverse and multicultural company, they have offices in Mayfair, Edgware and Birmingham.