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International Women’s Day: Highlighting the unique strengths of women in business

Business Life 04-03-2021

Women continue to make waves in the world of business. In celebration of International Women’s Day, we explore the qualities and abilities that make women such powerful entrepreneurs.

Nima Suchak spoke to an amazing line up of inspiring, fearless, resilient women in business and leadership and asked them to share their unique strengths and how they are using them to succeed in business.


“Setting goals is so important and integral to success. My life is crazy busy, with four girls aged four and under, and running three businesses,” says Sunny Kooner, co-founder of spirits brand Jatt Life. “I start my day with a list of what I want to achieve that day and plan what I need to do for the week, the month and the year. It is so important to always look at the bigger picture and remain committed to your vision and goals no matter the challenges. Always remain accountable, never lose your passion and always have confidence in yourself.  Small steps build up to big moves.”


“Once I have my mind set on a goal that I genuinely want to achieve, I persevere and find a way to make the goal happen regardless of the challenges or obstacles,” says TV presenter Charli Fisher. “If I have an idea that I am super passionate about, and I feel there is an obstacle between myself and the goal, I will find a way around it.”


“I work in a male dominated corporate environment, so I have to stand my ground by being fearless, and speaking with authority and purpose,” says Reena Popat, founder of Carter Bond Solicitors. “I’m an M&A lawyer, an area of law which not only tends to be dominated by white middle class men, but our clients – the directors and shareholders of companies – usually tend to be men. Being assertive is something I had to work on as I was growing up around the family business. I always knew that you need to be one step ahead for anyone to take you seriously, and be calm, collected and measured.”

Relationship building

“Throughout my career, my most valuable trait is the ability to establish, develop and maintain relationships,” says Shalina Michael, creator of event management company, All in the Detail. “If reputation means something to your brand then prioritising your client relationships should be high on your list of business objectives. Networking and management of client relationships are a core part of business growth and client loyalty. Great relationships build trust, and without trust reputation is non-existent. In business this has served me very well. I’ve been able to forge a strong network of clients and contacts through my career enabling me to build a business largely based on positive referrals.”


“Empathy is a strength and an asset to surviving and thriving in any environment. It helps me succeed in business through self-awareness and emotional intelligence,” says Ungelie Patel, founder of Purple Jasmine Events. “Helping me develop and enhance business relationships, showing empathy towards my staff creates a good working environment, helps to gain their trust and understanding to get the best out of my businesses. With my clients, it helps to deliver a catered and bespoke service to achieve their aspirations and in turn promote my business, showing that at times I may not always share their perspective but I can utilise empathy to better understand it, catering best to their needs and wants.”


“Being able to see the human being behind the title, whether it be a potential customer or a supplier has always served me well not just in my business but in all aspects of my life,” says Paramjit Nagra, co-founder of spirits brand Crazy Gin. “Being aware of others’ needs helps me remain focussed on what value I can provide for them and be clear on what my needs are. In return this has helped me to build and maintain long lasting relationships.”

Unwavering faith

“I have an unwavering faith in a higher, spiritual source which has always guided me,” says business coach Hither Mann. “I’ve had very little support on this journey. This faith has always reassured me that no matter what others may do to obstruct you on the journey, I need no validation other than from this higher source that the path I am on is the correct one for me during this lifetime. As humans we can often fall victim to other people’s opinions. When you realise how futile that validation is in comparison to a higher source, it surely fills you with an inner peace that is irreplaceable. That is what allows me to keep moving forward!”


“Creativity and thinking outside of the box is paramount for businesses, now more than ever,” says brand and marketing professional, Seetal Fatania. “I believe creativity leads to innovation and the ability to pivot, and this can be especially powerful when layered with a customer-centric approach. It’s a trait that I would encourage all business to have embedded as a part of their work culture and ethos. After all, all great business start with a great idea!”

Portrait photographs by Rory B. Gullan
Cover photograph by Laura Chouette

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