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Founding Fathers. Lasting lessons in entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurs 18-06-2021

Five members of The Foundxrs Club share their own thoughts on fatherhood – how their own fathers instilled their entrepreneurial spirit, and how becoming a parent themselves has defined their path.

From growing in their guidance and shelter, to a life changing experience of becoming a parent ourselves, fatherhood is a grounding and life-changing influence.

Fathers play a critical role in the guiding and helping to establish our core strengths and values in a similar way to the way we build and nurture our entrepreneurial journeys.

Nimesh Sanghrajka, Mantra Capital Group

“I was always brought up by my parents to recognise the value of money, and to respect relationships. Hard work wasn’t the exception when I was growing up, there was no other option. I grew up recognising how many sacrifices my parents made for both my sister and I, and although we didn’t have the finer materialistic things, we had safety, security and ultimately happiness.

I’ve taken on these principles myself in the way I conduct business. Manta Capital Group is based on simple ethics; treating people fairly, overserving, being humble, working hard and finding solutions. Fatherhood has made me appreciate what really matters in life. Having two babies under the age of two, who are solely reliant on my wife and I for literally everything, brings a whole new sense of responsibility forward and has made me really value time as a commodity. I am very strict now with my time, as I feel like life has a habit of going too quickly, and I want to savour every moment I have with my kids.”

Baz Kooner, Jatt Life

“Being the father to four young girls aged four and under is most definitely my most important responsibility. The girls are our driving force, and everything we do, we do for them. The only way we manage our busy lives as parents and entrepreneurs is through teamwork. My wife and I structure our days to ensure nursery pickups, mealtimes and sleep routines and all covered by one of us at least. We manage our diary around them and their needs. We work out at 6am whilst they are still asleep and I get to the office straight after nursery drop-off. The evenings are always the most hectic part of the day, with dinner, baths and bed, and we usually have our laptops out and ready to work most evenings when they are asleep.

Communication and structure are the only way we get things done. It is a mad house but I would not have it any other way. The love I get from my four girls is my fuel for success. Managing the girls is like managing our businesses – it requires structure and organisation. And just like with work, we work hard and play harder when we are all together.”

Bav Patel, Mistique Events

“My father was the foundation, strength and inspiration to my success. His determination and resilience was second to none which in turn armed me that same positive and spiritual belief. This translates to having the faith that any human can conquer the impossible as long as they put their heart and soul into what they believe in.

He supported my dream in owning a business from the outset – from physically sewing different types of backdrops/drapes as he was tailor for a short while when we arrived in this country, to coming out with me on physical event set-ups. This truly showed me that he believed and supported me in what I was trying to create with my business. He was always upbeat and positive and his faith in God was absolutely remarkable. Fortunately, I have inherited that same outlook, so whether something good or bad happens, it happens for a reason and I accept it a blessing from the man above!”

Shaz Memon, Digimax Dental

“Becoming a father was a becoming a ‘boy to man’ moment for me. This tiny human that was now in our lives made me realise that I have a duty that extends beyond my own family as a parent. I felt I had a newfound responsibility to children just like my own daughter, who aren’t fortunate enough to be protected the way we can protect our own in first world countries.

Through the act of giving and devoting a big part of my life to giving back to families with young children, I want to set an example to my daughter to continue the good of giving long after I have gone.”

Pritesh Lad, St James Interiors / Ethos Construction

“My father was truly an inspiration and led by example. He was a perfectionist and paid great attention to detail. He taught me to learn from the bottom up, and instilling a strong work ethic in me. Being in the construction industry, he had me sweeping floors, cleaning out drains and learning what it is to truly graft and get your hands dirty. He wanted me to understand how hard work and discipline would help me manage certain situations as I progressed in life.

Growing up in the business, I was essentially my father’s driver / PA, taking him to meetings, fancy hotel lunches, etc. And even though I would just wait in the car, I was inspired to be like him – how he made people feel at ease, building trust and genuine relationships. Our conversations became invaluable life lessons centred to how I now run my business.

I named my construction business ‘Ethos’ because of these values from my father and grandfather. I hope to continue that legacy with the people we work with. Although my father is no longer with us, his wise words and acts of kindness will always remain with me.”

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